Licensing of the Revd Lisa Curtice

Our Rector, Revd David, joined colleagues from the diocese at St Mary the Virgin church, Port Glasgow, on Thursday (August 1st) for the licensing of the Revd Lisa Curtice as priest in charge of the Heartland Group.

A packed church of episcopal colleagues, representatives from other denominations and friends and family celebrated the arrival of Lisa, as she was licensed as the priest in charge of the Heartland Charge, which includes St Mary’s, Port Glasgow, St Fillan’s, Kilmacolm, and St Mary’s, Bridge of Weir.

The service was led by the Rt Rev Kevin Pearson, Bishop of the United Diocese of Glasgow and Galloway.

Lisa trained through the Scottish Episcopal Institute and served as Regional Curate in the Renfrewshire Region.

Bishop Kevin says, ”We are thrilled to be able to welcome Lisa into this new role as the Heartland Charge enters this new chapter of its mission and ministry. Lisa is well known in the life of our diocese and is a familiar face at diocesan gatherings and across the Renfrewshire Region. It is good to be able to harness the skills, gifts and talents that Lisa has to focus on the next chapter in the lives of the congregations in the Heartland Charge. It is with excitement that we look forward to seeing the next stage in the mission in that part of our diocese as Lisa and her husband John, move to the Rectory at Port Glasgow.”


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