We are an inclusive and welcoming congregation of the Scottish Episcopal Church in Bearsden on the northern edge of Glasgow. The church is part of the United Diocese of Glasgow and Galloway.
Rector: Revd. David Guest phone: 0141 942 3291 email at: The Rector
More information about our Rector, the Rev David Guest, can be read here
You can follow us on the following: Facebook “X” (formerly Twitter) Instagram
Sunday Morning Worship begins at 10.30am. You can join us on-line on our Facebook page “live or later”, or in the building. At the moment there is no Sunday School or creche but Fun Bags will be available for any children in church.
On Sunday February 2nd, The Presentation of Christ in the Temple (Candlemas), the Rector will celebrate Said Eucharist at 9am and Sung Eucharist service at 10.30am.
Visitors will be especially welcome at all these services
On November 24th we held our Annual Meeting. The Rector’s report can be found here.
You can visit this page for a link to the annual report document.
There will be a Said Eucharist (1970 Liturgy) at 9am on the first and third Sundays of the month (in December these will be the 1st and 15th)
On Wednesdays there is a Said Eucharist (1982 Liturgy) at 11am on each Wednesday, preceded by a prayer group at 10.30am and followed by refreshments. Feel free to join us for any of these.
Details of all services and social events can be found in the Magazine.
*For Church Hall bookings: please contact Celia at celiacornock@hotmail.co.uk or tel. 07914 099205