Join us for our Advent Course this year at All Saints – we are sharing in this with our friends at St Andrew’s, Milngavie.
The course will be held on Thursday afternoons November 23rd and 30th and December 7th and 14th in All Saints church choir vestry at 3.00pm.
We are using Paula Gooder’s Advent book The Meaning is in the Waiting as the basis of our course.
Paula Gooder provides a profoundly biblical guide to the season of Advent and we explore its central theme of waiting in the company of the biblical characters who feature prominently in the lectionary readings for the season: Abraham and Sarah who waited for a child, Isaiah and the prophets who waited for judgement and redemption, John the Baptist whose role was to wait in the wilderness until the prophecies he foretold were realised, Mary whose waiting began in pregnancy and continued as she stood at the foot of the cross.
This offers an exquisite meditation on the spirituality of waiting – the active doing of nothing – as a way of enhancing our lives and bringing us closer to God.