Each evening at 6pm from 24th June till 30th June the Rector will be saying the Litany for the Translation of +Kevin. Please join her either in spirit or on line.

In the peace of Christ, let us pray:
Kyrie eleison.
For the peace that is from above, let us pray:
Kyrie eleison.
For peace in the life of the churches and their unity, let us pray:
Kyrie eleison.
That the Holy Spirit will bring strength and courage, let us pray:
Kyrie eleison.
For bishop Kevin called to be the next Bishop of Glasgow and Galloway:
Thanks be to God.
For the people, congregation and clergy of the diocese of Argyll and The Isles:
Thanks be to God.
For the people, congregation and clergy of the diocese of Glasgow and Galloway:
Thanks be to God.
For all those who work and worship in Scotland for the furtherance of the Gospel:
Thanks be to God.
Inspire us to spread the Good News as Moluag did:
Holy God, hear us.
Help us to be builders of your church as Columba was:
Holy God, hear us.
Teach us to love as Mungo the beloved, loved:
Holy God, hear us.
Grant us the perseverance of Ninian:
Holy God, hear us.
Remind us of your promises never to leave us:
Fill us with the Holy Spirit.
Strengthen our hope in Your future:
Fill us with the Holy Spirit.
Empower us to speak and act in Your name.
Fill us with the Holy Spirit.
To God the Life Bringer:
All praise and honour be.
To God the Pain Bearer:
All praise and honour be.
To God the Joy Giver:
All praise and honour be.
Blessed Holy undivided Trinity:
Unite us all in and through your love. Amen.